
Digital collections are available to all UNM-Albuquerque students and faculty via Artstor. Access to the library facility and slide borrowing is restricted to faculty, graduate students and staff in the College of Fine Arts and the School of Architecture and Planning. As a courtesy to faculty teaching in other academic units on campus, the college extends, commensurate with its resources, the use of the collections. Proxy use is not available. Faculty must come in person. Other individuals wishing access may inquire regarding one time exemptions.
BVRL staff is available for training in use of equipment which supports the use of its visual resources. Please inquire about one-on-one or group training. The library does not have equipment to loan.
Items circulate to UNM Albuquerque campus classrooms only. The loan period is the duration of the class period.
Books in the Lannan Reading Room are non-circulating.
Responding to faculty requests is a prime objective. Every attempt will be made to accomodate requests and desired timeframes. Please speak directly with staff to discuss your urgent requsts. Non-urgent requests are processed for the next semester.
Please complete one of the following request forms depending on your source material:

Materials in the collection are to be used for instructional purposes only. Specific copyright guidelines can be viewed here